
Category : birds

Hutovo blato- the unique wildlife of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Amazonia- II part

After my first photo safari trip in Hutovo blato described in the first part of my wildlife blog, two more trips followed, second one in the summer of 2021 and the third one in the May 2022. During my second visit to Hutovo in the summer of 2021, there were no similar activities and events compared to the summer of 2018. The water level was low and the atmosphere calmer, as if all the inhabitants of Hutovo instinctively hid in […]

RAMSKO LAKE – Where the Eagles Fly Early

While planning our vacation, during the now idealistic pre-pandemic 2018, we decided, before going to the seaside, to spend a few days at a location in our homecountry Bosnia and Herzegovina which we hadn’t visited yet. We came to a decision to visit Ramsko Lake, that true nature’s pearl, which captivated with its astonishing beauty hundreds of painters and landscape photographers to immortalise it in the unforgettable works of their brushes and cameras. The time had come for a wildlife […]

The mouth of the Neretva river into the Adriatic – the place where an emerald river kisses the sea

For a long time I have had the desire to visit the mouth of the Neretva into the Adriatic Sea. Countless times I have wondered what the end of the spectacular path of one of the most beautiful rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina of emerald green colour, looks like. Of course, an additional motive is that this area is rich in birds, so I have been searching for the satisfaction of my insatiable spirit of a wildlife photographer. The Neretva […]